Designing a Ghost Theme: Handlebars.js + NodeJS

Designed the theme that's running this website. Hosted: GHOST_URL/ (What you see is what you get) Github: »

Fair/Fare: An Ember.js SPA

An Ember.js app that connects restaurants and non-profits to mitigate food wastage in NYC. Hosted: Github: »

TechMe: Rails5 + Meetup API + Github Jobs API

Technical match-making site for Bros & Brosephines. Find jobs and meetups based on the programming languages you love. Rails 5 App to discover upcoming tech events »

Gifs Against Humanity

Everyone's favorite family game, "Cards Against Humanity". But with GIFs! Hosted: Github: (Rules »

Alphabet Soup: A Ruby Gem

Gave a tech talk at the Flatiron Web Meetup [] with Shmuel Lamm on "Building a Ruby Gem". Hosted: https: »